Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in /usr/www/users/rightybjdz/wp-content/plugins/modern-events-calendar-lite/app/libraries/main.php on line 7864 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/rightybjdz/wp-content/plugins/modern-events-calendar-lite/app/libraries/main.php:7864) in /usr/www/users/rightybjdz/wp-content/plugins/modern-events-calendar-lite/app/libraries/main.php on line 2967 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /usr/www/users/rightybjdz/wp-content/plugins/modern-events-calendar-lite/app/libraries/main.php:7864) in /usr/www/users/rightybjdz/wp-content/plugins/modern-events-calendar-lite/app/libraries/main.php on line 2968 BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv5.16.2//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL:https://www.righttocare.org/ BEGIN:VEVENT UID:MEC-fb26ceb5a996b8a4736c4e9ad00f7362@righttocare.org DTSTART:20201116T060000Z DTEND:20201117T160000Z DTSTAMP:20200723T092100Z CREATED:20200723 LAST-MODIFIED:20200723 SUMMARY:INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HIV PEDIATRICS 2020 DESCRIPTION:\nWHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND?\nThe International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2020 is the only workshop that focuses on HIV Pediatrics on an international level. The 2-day program includes oral abstract and poster presentations, state-of-the-art lectures from invited speakers and more informal and interactive fora including debates and panel discussions. The interactive setting provides a platform for presentations and discussions of the latest developments in the field, encourages young investigators to engage in the field of pediatric/perinatal HIV research, and stimulates new research activities and collaborations. This edition will be hybrid, allowing virtual participation for those unable to travel. We hope that by diversifying the structure, we will be able to welcome more participants.\nUNIQUE WORKSHOP FEATURES\n\nResearch in prevention and treatment of HIV in pregnant/ lactating women, infants, children, and adolescents are discussed\nA good representation of all organizations involved in HIV treatment and care in HIV Pediatrics • Special Session to address most recent research\nYoung investigator awards for best oral presentation and best poster presentation • 6 dedicated poster walks • 28 (mini-) oral presentation\nAn extraordinary record of supporting scientific achievement as demonstrated in the success across the cascade from abstract presentation to publication\n\nTARGET AUDIENCE\n\nResearchers\nClinicians\nNurses\nIndustry specialists working in academic settings, hospitals, and non-governmental organizations (NGO)\n\n URL:https://www.righttocare.org/events/international-workshop-on-hiv-pediatrics-2020/ ORGANIZER;CN=:MAILTO: LOCATION:SAN FRANCISCO, CA, US END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR