Training on contact tracing

Training on contact tracing

Welcome to our Right to Care training guide for contact tracing teams, we hope you find this information useful.

Contact tracing teams play important roles in the COVID-19 pandemic. These roles cascade down from a national level, to a provincial level, to a district and sub-district level, including contact tracing teams that are sent out to conduct home visits.

We recommend working through the following documents to equip contact tracing teams with the information and skills required to fulfil their job requirements. The documents can be found below.


1) Basic training on COVID-19:

Click here for slides without narration

Click here for slides with narration

2) Contact Tracing Training Slides, click here

Attendees should read through and familiarise themselves with the following documents:

3) Standard Operating Procedure for COVID-19 contact tracing version 3, click here

4) PUI and Contact Line List form, click here

5) COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring Tool, click here

Extra documents

6) Provincial Contact Tracing Team Leaders, click here

7) Contact Tracing Daily Reporting template, click here

8) Contact Tracing Training Schedule blank, click here

Most PowerPoint presentations can either be played in video format using the pre-recorded narrations, or they can be used as PowerPoint slides and narrated by a presenter.

Please be aware that information is changing rapidly as this pandemic is progressing, so please make sure that you have the most up to date versions of the training materials.  Different countries and regions may have differing guidelines, so please adapt these materials where necessary.

Remember that all workers aiding in the pandemic response need to be protected, supported, monitored, inspired, and appreciated, as it is a difficult time for everyone.

If you have any questions or concerns about these materials, if you require further support, or documents in an editable format or translated into different languages, please feel free to contact us on

Wishing you all the best in your fight against COVID-19!

Kind regards,

Right to Care

Treating health seriously, caring, making treatment available in South Africa and abroad.

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