Pharmacy solutions
South Africa has a high disease burden which is expected to increase dramatically during the current COVID-19 pandemic. This expected increase in cases poses a major challenge for the current healthcare system to manage increased disease burden with limited resources in terms of facilities as well as staff. A further risk is posed to patient outcomes related to adherence and retention in care. It is therefore critical to ensure systems are in place for patients to support the continuous supply of pharmaceutical care.
Right ePharmacy
has been successful in the last mile domain of drug availability, having invested in research and development of innovative and pioneering pharmacy solutions, as well as having implemented various solutions successfully. We are proud of our track record that consists not only of large-scale high impact solutions such as In-pharmacy automation and Central Distribution Units, but also small-scale practical solutions, focussed in the community such as the Pharmacy Dispensing Units (PDUs- ATM-like pharmacy) and Parcel Collection Units (PCUs – medicine lockers). PDUs are deployed at 4 locations in Gauteng: Alexandra Plaza, Bambanani Mall, Bara Mall, Ndofaya mall and at Twin City mall in the Free State. These sites combined, relieve their surrounding healthcare facilities of 21 000 dispenses on average per month. The locker solution will further unburden facilities of patients needing to collect their chronic medication in the Gauteng, Free State and Mpumalanga provinces.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for novel solutions in response to the expected increase in disease burden. An innovative and responsive approach ensures that patients are decanted to our sites where technology guarantees enhanced pharmaceutical care while minimising the risk of patients being exposed to COVID-19. The decanting of chronic-care patients, additionally, alleviates the patient burden at health care facilities, providing additional capacity to respond to more critical cases during this time.
Right ePharmacy endeavours to ensure optimal pharmaceutical care through building solutions that enhance efficiencies, promotes patient health and are flexible in order to be responsive to the current health environment. Successful partnerships and implementation of solutions in 3 Provinces in South Africa as well as in Zambia ensures a solid experience base and understanding of public health needs.
For more information on Right ePharmacy and the mentioned solutions, follow this link: