Continuous Quality Improvement

quick interventions improve performance

How are Right to Care programmes performing? Where can we be more efficient? What can we do differently to achieve better outcomes for our patients? Right to Care’s continuous quality improvement (CQI) programme helps programme managers and teams answer these questions.


CQI is a key element of all programmatic work at Right to Care.

Our CQI strategy aims to:

improve the efficiency of resources and staff

boost healthcare quality and patient outcomes

reduce waste

It focuses on gathering, monitoring and analysing data so that improvements can be implemented where and when they are needed.

Through the use of quality improvement and quality assurance tools:

programme performance is actively and closely monitored

interventions are implemented quickly

The impact of these interventions can then be reassessed using the same tools to continue improving performance.

Treating health seriously, caring, making treatment available in South Africa and abroad.

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Phone : +27 (0) 11 276-8850