Right to Care was registered as a non-profit organisation (NPO) in Zambia in 2016. Right to Care Zambia is a fully-localised NPO.

Through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Action to HIV Epidemic Control project funded by USAID in Zambia’s Luapula, Muchinga and Northern provinces, we have focused on reducing HIV transmission, morbidity and mortality . This is in support of the United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 95-95-95 goal encompassing:

  • HIV treatment coverage and
  • providing comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and treatment maintenance services.

The project aims to:

  • expand prevention services,
  • expand quality treatment and
  • reach epidemic control.

Priority populations include:

  • paediatrics,
  • adolescents and young people and
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women.

A fully-localised not-for-profit organisation

Right to Care Zambia (RTCZ) is a fully registered Zambian not-for-profit organisation with strong professional leadership and a good working relationship with the Ministry of Health (MoH), medical and public health schools, and the research community. RTCZ opened its doors in 2016. Since then, RTCZ has become a local NGO, led by a predominantly Zambian team. The RTCZ research department has been successful in acquiring further projects supported by NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, MSD for Mothers, USAID – Zambia, and Grand Challenges Canada. RTCZ is headquartered in Lusaka and has supported projects in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula, Eastern, and Southern Provinces.

Our Partners

The lead funding agency of the EQUIP grant is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Our EQUIP partners are:
  • the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS),
  • the Anova Health Institute (Anova) and
  • the Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office (HE²RO) of the Wits Health Consortium at Wits University.
Our research partners with whom we work on local research programmes include:
  • NIH Research Support – Boston University
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – Boston University
  • ELMA Philanthropies
  • MSD for Mothers
  • Grand Challenges Canada and
  • USAID-Zambia.

Towards HIV epidemic control in Zambia

To control the HIV epidemic under the USAID Action to HIV Epidemic Control project, Right to Care Zambia focuses on:

01. Ensuring access to comprehensive HIV prevention interventions

02. Initiating 95% of those who test positive onto antiretroviral treatment (ART)

03. Ensuring that 95% of those on ART are virally suppressed

04. Reaching 95% of eligible HIV positive adults and children with nutrition, counselling and support and integrated voluntary family planning services

05. Providing cervical cancer screening services for women living with HIV at HIV service delivery locations

06. Providing tuberculosis preventive treatment,

07. Strengthening monitoring and evaluation capacity at facility, district and provincial level for improved programme management

08. Strengthening facility-level commodity management to mitigate the risk of stock outs and

09. Strengthening the public financial management systems of the Zambian Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance to enable the efficient use of funds from the U.S. Government

To strengthen our work, Right to Care Zambia also focuses on building monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity at facility, district, hub and provincial levels.

Primary prevention methods

To expand voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services, Right to Care Zambia has trained providers in facilities and adopted demand creation strategies that reach men in communities.

Our elimination of mother to child transmission (eMTCT) programme seeks to ensure all women presenting for antenatal care are tested and those found to be HIV positive initiated on ART.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been targeted at key and priority populations at risk of HIV. We also train providers in PrEP.

HIV testing services and HIV self-testing are helping more people to know their HIV status.

Cervical cancer screening – training staff to screen for cervical cancer and the provision of early treatment to help reduce cervical cancer in women.

Towards UNAIDS’ 95-95-95 targets

The first 95

Included in our efforts, under the EQUIP grant to ensure that 95% of people know their HIV status, RTC focuses on:

  • targeted case finding,
  • index case testing, and
  • the use of mobile technology such as the Lynx community app for testing and GeoSpatial mapping of high yield areas and communities.

The second 95

In Right to Care Zambia’s efforts to ensure that HIV positive people in Zambia receive sustained antiretroviral treatment (ART), we focus on:

  • linking HIV patients to treatment and care,
  • tracking and tracing patients who have treatment interruption (lost to follow up)
  • Up-scaling differentiated drug delivery (DDD) through mechanisms such as:
    • Multi-month scripting and dispensing (MMSD) for a six month period,
    • Establishing community medicine pickup points, and
    • Supporting the Centralised Dispensing Unit (CDU) in Ndola, Copperbelt, which provides centralised dispensing services to patients. The CDU programme can dispense some 1.2 million repeat scripts per year. Its focus is on decongesting health facilities in Zambia.

The third 95

To achieve viral load suppression in 95% of patients on ART, Right to Care Zambia have:

  • increased viral load testing capacity in laboratories,
  • expanded the use of eLABS,
  • implemented an early warning/alert system for patients with high viral loads,
  • introduced a viral load sample collection and courier system, and
  • increased TB preventative treatment in patients with HIV.

Our specific healthcare interventions in Zambia

Nutrition Assessment Counselling and Support

The Nutrition Assessment Counselling and Support (NACS) programme offers nutritional support and counselling to 90% of people living with HIV in the supported provinces.

Centralised Dispensing Unit

We also have a Centralised Dispensing Unit (CDU), which provides centralised dispensing services to patients. The CDU programme can dispense 1.2 million repeat scripts per year. Its focus is on decongesting over-burdened health facilities.


Right to Care Zambia’s eLABS project has been a highlight in Zambia. eLABS is a mobile health application that allows users to have a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the viral load (VL) value chain from facility through to laboratory.

Knowledge Centre

A Knowledge Centre is a cloud-based data management platform used to manage and access data. It powers daily situation rooms which allow healthcare workers at HQ, at regional office, in the districts and at facilities to access data in real time and to quickly direct technical assistance and resource allocation appropriately.

Supporting Zambia’s GBV policy

Right to Care Zambia is committed to supporting the Zambian Ministry of Health’s gender based violence (GBV) policy to:
  • address gaps in the response and care system,
  • identify HIV/AIDS vulnerability among women and adolescent girls,
  • provide medical services and counselling, and
  • raise awareness of GBV in communities.

Treating health seriously, caring, making treatment available in South Africa and abroad.

Contact Us

Email : info@righttocare.org
Phone : +27 (0) 11 276-8850