Gender -based violence and Femicide

Supporting the presidential response to violence and femicide

The rates of gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF) in South Africa are at crisis levels. This impacts profoundly on:

  • the lives and wellbeing of survivors,
  • families,
  • communities and
  • broader society.

Right to Care has a track-record in dealing with gender based violence as part of its HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) prevention and treatment programmes.

We support an initiative launched by South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa to:

end all forms of violence against women and children

ensure consequence for perpetrators

make public and private spaces that are safe for women and children

allocate resources for the psychosocial and other needs of survivors

These goals are in the Gender Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) National Strategic Plan (2020 – 2030). The plan guides South Africa’s response to the gender-based violence and femicide crisis in South Africa.
A national GBVF command centre has been set up operating under the Department of Social Development with a team of over 60, mostly social workers.

How to get help

Women who are being abused can make use of the services offered by the gender-based violence and femicide command centre. Friends, neighbours, caretakers and anyone who may be aware of abuse can also report issues.
The national government’s gender-based violence and femicide command centre can be reached by:

Calling 0800 428 428

Sending a please call me to *120*7867#

Sending an SMS to 31531 The SMS service is intended for the disabled

Adding ‘HelpmeGBV’ to your Skype contacts. The Skype line is intended for the deaf

The command centre is able to refer calls directly to SAPS (10111) and field social workers respond to victims of GBV.

Thuthuzela Care Centres

We also encourage women to go to Thuthuzela Care Centres which are one-stop facilities for victims of rape that:

provide professional care and support

aim to reduce secondary victimisation

improve conviction rates

reduce the time for perpetrators to be tried in court

Contact the Thuthuzela Care Centre teams

Western Cape

(021) 571 8043


(017) 811 2031


(033) 395 4325

Free State

(057) 355 4106

Eastern Cape

(039) 251 0236

North West

(014) 590 5474

Northern Cape

(053) 631 7093


(011) 933 1140 / (073) 289 0990


(015) 483 4000

Treating health seriously, caring, making treatment available in South Africa and abroad.

Contact Us

Email :
Phone : +27 (0) 11 276-8850