Thursday, 23 March 2023: Ahead of World Tuberculosis (TB) Day tomorrow, Dr Lucy Connell, TB programme lead at health NPO Right to Care, says, “South Africa has one of the highest TB rates in the…
read moreWork With Us Right to Care is at the cutting-edge in providing support and delivering prevention, care, and treatment services for HIV and associated diseases, as well as, more recently, COVID-19. We work with both…
read moreTreatment HIV treatment helps reduce the amount of HIV in your blood to a very low level. This keeps you healthy and prevents illness. Without treatment for HIV, you are likely to develop complications from…
read moreGetting testedTo stop the spread of HIV, Right to Care encourages everyone to test for HIV. If you don’t know whether you are HIV positive or negative, you risk spreading HIV to others if you…
read moreHIV PreventionVoluntary medical male circumcisionOther ways to prevent HIVPrep and Pep Voluntary medical male circumcision Voluntary medical male circumcision is safe and free. It is voluntary, but we encourage men to get circumcised because it…
read moreHIV negative or positive: you are the same person About 15-million South Africans test for HIV every year. Are you one of them? Here are true stories: ‘I’m getting vaccinated to help end the pandemic.’ …
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