What We Do

“I’ve been working on the tea estate for three years. Without ART, my body would be weak and I’d be unable to provide for my family. Because I take just one pill a day to keep strong, I can work and through the money I have earned, I was able to get a house subsidy”

– Malika Misivisi from Malawi.


People like Malika are the reason Right to Care was brought into being over 20 years ago. Our purpose as an organization is to provide quality care and treatment to those who need it most, allowing them to live active and productive lives.

Treating health seriously

We treat health seriously and believe that every person has a fundamental right to access quality healthcare services and treatment.

We are united with the rest of the word in striving to meet the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets.
As well as caring for patients, we care about strengthening health systems. To achieve this, we provide direct service delivery in healthcare facilities and support governments with technical assistance.

Right to Care has pioneered healthcare models such as:

client-centred care

differentiated service delivery models

We work with governments and communities to find relevant, ground-breaking solutions that strengthen healthcare provision.

We work with healthcare workers in facilities to:

find and test patients

put those who are HIV-positive onto treatment

retain patients in care so their viral loads can be reduced

We put patients and our employees first.

Responding to public health needs, prioritising patients

Right to Care focuses on treatment and prevention. We work to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Hepatitis C.

Right to Care works in urban and rural areas. Our programmes are run in districts, regions and across countries.

In each area, we work with local partners and health departments to support ministries of health in tackling local challenges that they experience with:

  • testing people for HIV,
  • starting them on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and
  • retaining them in care to bring about viral suppression.

This partnership approach is helping to end the HIV pandemic.

The work of our public healthcare programmes – mostly donor-funded – is supported by our entrepreneurial companies which provide specialised solutions to:

  • make the work of our programmes more efficient,
  • drive patient adherence to medication by making medicine accessible and easy to collect, and
  • better manage data to improve patient management and monitor programme performance.

Our focus is on delivering innovative, quality healthcare solutions, based on the latest medical research and established best practices.

Our areas of expertise include:

Prevention and treatment:

  • HIV and TB care and treatment
  • Hepatitis B and C treatment
  • Voluntary medical male circumcision
  • Social behaviour change communication
  • Demand creation

Healthcare systems strengthening:

  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Laboratory capacity building

The innovative use of digital technology:

  • Strategic information – data analysis, visualisation and integration
  • GIS surveillance and patient tracing

Pharmacy innovations and automation

  • Centralised dispensing and medicine distribution
  • Improved ‘last mile’ medicine access and availability
  • Supporting Right to Care in managing global health and infectious disease responses

What we do

Treating health seriously, caring, making treatment available in South Africa and abroad.

Contact Us

Email : info@righttocare.org
Phone : +27 (0) 11 276-8850